Correctional facilitiy inmates are a population that often has higher rates of Hepatitis and HIV-TB compared to the general population. This is caused by factors such as high levels of drug abuse, risky behavior and pre-existing health conditions. They are also members of the community being assisted will one day return to the community. Management…
Tag: hiv
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are spread predominantly by unprotected sexual contact. Some STIs can also be transmitted during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding and through infected blood or blood products. STIs have a profound impact on health. If untreated, they can lead to serious consequences including neurological and cardiovascular disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirths, and increased…
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) is relatively common among some subpopulations who are co-infected with HIV. HCV can be cured in more than 95% of people with the use of potent combinations of drugs such as the following: Chronic viral infections such as HCV and HIV can cause excess inflammation and activation of the immune…
Asia is a diverse region with each country facing its unique set of challenges. While science plays a crucial role, it alone cannot solve the public health challenges we are currently facing. This video series provides a glimpse into our work in Asia-Pacific region and our commitment to going beyond the medicine. Partnership to us…
Juli 2023 The Peduli Hati Bangsa Foundation carries out capacity building activities for the community of drug users, including women and transgender drug users, to optimize the prevention, treatment and care of the Hepatitis virus. The activity which was held in Bogor was attended by 17 participants from Womxn’s Voice and the Forum Akar Rumput…