Hepatitis C

International Testing Week 2024

In commemoration of International Testing Week 2024, an integrated screening activity was conducted …

World Hepatitis Day 24: Hepatitis screening at Palembang

Each year, 1.3 million people die from hepatitis. New data from the World Health Organization indica…

Fixed dose combination Hepatitis medicine is available.

Currently, anti-Hepatitis C virus medicines are available in the form of fixed dose combinations. Th…

Global increase in deaths from viral hepatitis revealed in WHO report

By: The World Health Organization, 10 April 2024 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 20…

A link between diabetes and hepatitis C

by: Peduli Hati Bangsa team (May 2024) The hepatitis C virus (HCV) spreads through contact with bloo…

Implementation guidelines for Community-led monitoring (CLM) of hepatitis B and C services in Indonesia

The Indonesian Directorate General of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Hea…

Coordination meeting with several correctional facilities

28 March 2024 Hepatitis C learning program coordination meeting in correctional facilities in DKI Ja…

Hepatitis and it’s vaccines

Hepatitis is a general term that refers to inflammation or inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can …

Hepatitis on pregnant women

The common cause of jaundice in pregnancy is acute viral hepatitis. Hepatitis could be caused by dis…

Prodia Laboratory Special Discount

Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa collaborates with Prodia Laboratory to provide a 10% fee reduction for al…

International Testing Week 2023

Pontianak, 23 November 2023, Bandung, 24 November 2023 Several key populations have a higher risk of…

Hepatitis C Genotype

what is Hepatitis c genotype Hepatitis C (HCV) genotypes are different types of the HCV virus, which…

Hepatitis C cure leads to gradual improvement of depression for people with HIV

Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) is relatively common among some subpopulations who are co-infected w…

Capacity Strengthening for 40 Correctional Facilities Officials in Communicable Disease Response.

Jakarta, 23-25 Agustus 2023 Capacity Strengthening for 40 Correctional Facilities Officials in Commu…

World Hepatitis Day 2023 Series

On 31 July 2023, we held a Hepatitis B & C screening and Capacity Building for key populations (…

World Breastfeeding Week

In the light of World Breastfeeding Week which falls on August 1-7, let’s discuss whether moth…

Capacity Building with Yayasan Mutiara Maharani

On July 2023, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa organize a community capacity building to Optimize Hepatiti…

Hep Can’t Wait Asia Workshop

Hong Kong, 11-12 Juli 2023 On 11-12 July 2023, Peduli Hati Bangsa attended the Hep Can’t Wait …

Capacity Building for Drug User Community

Juli 2023 The Peduli Hati Bangsa Foundation carries out capacity building activities for the communi…

The launching of CLM Asia website

With support from ViiV Healthcare and the assistance of amfAR’s public policy team, amfAR&#821…

Daclatasvir is available via emergency purchase

Friends, we would like to inform you that after a peaceful demonstration with other community member…

Protest Rally of Hepatitis C procurement

Jakarta, 29 May 2023 Through our Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) of Viral Hepatitis services, we foun…

Meeting with Indonesian National Narcotics Agency

Peduli Hati Bangsa, together with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) had the opportunity to…

Consultation Meeting on Emerging medications of Hepatitis B and HIV

On 27-28 April 2023, Peduli Hati Bangsa had the opportunity to take part in Access to emerging medic…

In house training collaboration with Yayasan Pelita Ilmu

Hotel Mercure Batavia, Mei 2023 HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C have similar modes of transmission…

Development of Standards for Communicable Disease in Correctional Facilities

by Caroline Thomas 12 April 2023 Today we had the opportunity to be part of the team for development…

Hepatitis C antiviral drug stock-out occurs again in Indonesia

Jakarta, 6 April 2023 World Hepatitis Day which is celebrated every July 28 has a theme for 2 consec…

Hepatitis Can’t Wait Don’t Just Be A Slogan

From the records of Peduli Hati Bangsa, delays in the procurement of Direct Acting Antiviral (DAA) d…

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and its relation to Hepatitis B and C

By: Caroline Thomas, Peduli Hati Bangsa, March 3rd, 2023 What does HIV prevention mean by Pre-exposu…


During 2020 and 2021, a novel coronavirus morphed from a local outbreak into a pandemic, reaching 30…

National Hepatitis Elimination Profile : Indonesia

Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa 2022 Achievements (Screening services)

Below is a report on the achievements of the Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa’s screening services f…

HIV,Hepatitis and STD Study Club & Screening in Manado

On 22 December 2022, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa hold a study club as well as screening of HIV, Hepat…

TREAT Asia/amfAR workshop for Hepatitis B

On August 25-26, TREAT Asia / amfAR held a training workshop for the prevention, diagnosis and treat…

Webinar Post Pandemic : Emerging Hepatitis with Kimia Farma Diagnostika

On August 10, 2022, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa together with Kimia Farma will hold a webinar on Hepa…

Hepatitis Study club and screening: Bogor

The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in the first quarter of 2020 had a significant impact on people…

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International Anti Drugs Day

June 26 is celebrated every year as International Anti-Drug Day. The use of Narcotics, Alcohol, Psyc…

2021 Community based Monitoring Result

Report of the community led monitoring in 2021 as the our base for advocacy to improve HIV and Hepat…

Meeting with PKNI

On June 2, 2022, we had a discussion with the Indonesian Drug User Network. The challenges faced are…

Hepatitis C and HIV Screening in 2 Correctional Facilities – Bali

On Tuesday-Thursday, May 10-12 2022, screening for Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV was carried out at the …

Meeting with Hepatitis Working Team, Indonesian Ministry of Health

Tuesday, 10 May 2022 Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa attended a meeting with Hepatitis Working Team of th…

ToT: Training Event for Community Peer Educator Trainers.

In April 2022, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa had the opportunity to hold training of trainers on the pr…

Hepatitis C microelimination in Bali : Initial visit

On Saturday, April 16, 2022, we had the opportunity to visit Kerobokan Correctional Facility, Bali t…

What to know about each type of Hepatitis

Hepatitis Hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver . Inflammation of the liver can …

Q&A about Hepatitis C tests and medicines in Indonesia

The following is a series of questions and answers regarding the latest Hepatitis C tests and drugs …

World Hepatitis Day 2021

28 Juli 2021 July 28 is celebrated every year as World Hepatitis Day. This date was chosen because i…

Hepatitis B and C coinfection

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections account for a substantial proportion …

Community Discussion Regarding Access to Hepatitis Services and Co-infection

18 September 2021 On September 18, 2021, a discussion was held between Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa an…

CHAI webinar speaker

On September 8, 2021, CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative Indonesia) held a webinar and released …

WHO Guideline recommendation from a research including Peduli Hati Bangsa

Recently, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa was involved in a research study on self-testing for Hepatitis …

Covid-19 and Hepatitis B dan C Program Webinar – Result

Date: Saturday, 17 Juli 2021Time: 10:00-12:00 WIB Below is the video recording of the webinar

Covid-19 and Hepatitis B dan C Program Webinar

Date: Saturday, 17 Juli 2021Time: 10:00-12:00 WIB In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hepatitis B…

World Cancer Day

Scientists Who Discovered Hepatitis C Virus Awarded Nobel Prize

On the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2020 being awarded jointly to Harve…

Hepatitis Handbook 2020


Diet and nutrition for Hepatitis C patients.

The main function of the liver or liver is to filter out toxins in the blood. Your liver makes nutri…

Webinar with @jaringanindonesiapositif

Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa will host a webinar about Hepatitis C Treatment on key population, throug…

Daclatasvir’s procurement timeline

Peduli Hati Bangsa is now a member of World Hepatitis Alliance

September 28th, 2020 Being a member of the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) offers our organisation a …

Daclatasvir is here…from petition to realization.

25 September 2020 As an DAA agent treatment for Hepatitis C, Daclatasvir, has been out of stock sinc…

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Training Module

You can view the document here : HepBCTrainingModule

WHO SEARO Virtual Event for World Hepatitis Day 2020

July 27, 2020 In this event, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa, represented by Program Manager: Caroline Th…

Meeting to discuss Daclatasvir stock-out

We care, we fought and we were heard. On May 15, 2020, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa held a meeting wit…

Our petition has been heard !

Friends and colleagues who helped to sign the online petition in change.org, thank you for the suppo…

Hepatitis C Treatment in Indonesia

We will update these data from time to time. Please visit our social media and website regularly to …

Information on coronavirus and COVID-19 for people affected by Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C

Translated by: Caroline Thomas, 15 Juni 2020  1. What is COVID-19?COVID-19 is caused by a new strain…

Q&A about COVID-19, HIV and antiretroviral in Indonesia

1. What is COVID-19?COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by new strain of coronavirus. This viru…

COVID-19 and Liver Disease

Tanggal: 1 April 2020Oleh: Dr. John W Ward, The Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination Diterjema…

Improvement of survival rate on liver-related patients by Hepatitis-C treatment

People with liver cancer who achieve a sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy for…

Coalition of liver associations calls for simplifying Hepatitis C care

Leaders of liver disease associations from Europe, the United States, Latin America and Asia issued …

Hepatitis A plagued Depok City

Nova Amelia, a ninth grade student of SMPN 20 Depok suddenly fainted while attending flag ceremony i…