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ToT: Training Event for Community Peer Educator Trainers.

In April 2022, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa had the opportunity to hold training of trainers on the prevention, treatment and care of the Hepatitis Virus for community peer educators. This training was conducted in two batches. The first batch was attended by 12 participants from 12 provinces on 10-11 April 2022 and the second training…

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Hepatitis C microelimination in Bali : Initial visit

On Saturday, April 16, 2022, we had the opportunity to visit Kerobokan Correctional Facility, Bali to discuss the collaborative plan for the elimination of Hepatitis C. Before starting the activity, we would like to introduce our team to the team at the facility clinic led by dr. Hartawan On the same occasion, we were invited…

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What to know about each type of Hepatitis

Hepatitis Hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver . Inflammation of the liver can be caused by various things, it can be due to the habit of consuming alcohol, the use of certain drugs, autoimmune, or most often a viral infection. Inflammation of the liver (Hepatitis) caused by viral infection has several…

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Q&A about Hepatitis C tests and medicines in Indonesia

The following is a series of questions and answers regarding the latest Hepatitis C tests and drugs in Indonesia and we hope that this Q&A can help you get information. Did You Know Tests and Medicines for Hepatitis C are provided free of charge by the Government of Indonesia? SINCE WHEN HEPATITIS C TEST AND…

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World Hepatitis Day 2021

28 Juli 2021 July 28 is celebrated every year as World Hepatitis Day. This date was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel prize-winning scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus. In 2021, the commemoration of World Hepatitis Day carries…