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Vaksinasi Hepatitis B di Panti Vincentius Putra

Celebrate every win, no matter how small.

50 is the number of vaccinated children. Perhaps the number 50 is considered very small compared to the number of children in Indonesia who require the Hepatitis B vaccine, but one day these children will have families and have Hepatitis B free descendants.

So no effort is in vain. Hopefully in the future we will be able to help children who have not yet been vaccinated.

Thank you very much Budi Lukman Foundation that has helped facilitate 3 vaccinations at Vincentius Putra Orphanage o

  1. 15 April 2023
  2. 20 May 2023
  3. 04 November 2023

Truly a blessing to be part of #HepatitisBElimination

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