Peduli Hati Bangsa, together with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) had the opportunity to have a discussion with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). We were received by:
- Dra. Riza Sarasvita, M.Si, MHS, Ph.D (Deputy of Rehabilitation)
- dr. Farid Amansyah, Sp.PD (Director of Post Rehabilitation)
- dr. Bina Ampera Bukit, M.Kes (Director of Rehabilitation Strengthening)
- dr. Joseph Yody, MH.Kes (Head of Post Rehabilitation Assistance).
In 2021 WHO reported that the number of HBV has reached 296 million and HCV around 58 million, with 23-39% of the total new HCV cases being injecting drug users.
To prevent complications and death from hepatitis B and C, WHO recommends expanding viral hepatitis diagnosis & care at primary health facilities. In the same spirit, we are holding initial discussions with the National Narcotics Agency to improve access to diagnosis and treatment services for people with HBV and HCV.