In April 2022, Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa had the opportunity to hold training of trainers on the prevention, treatment and care of the Hepatitis Virus for community peer educators. This training was conducted in two batches. The first batch was attended by 12 participants from 12 provinces on 10-11 April 2022 and the second training was conducted on 22-23 April 2022 with 7 National Networks for key populations and 1 foundation based in Jakarta. Participants in both trainings are representatives from:
- Yayasan Inisiatif Sehat, Nusa Tenggara Barat
- Persaudaraan Korban Napza Sulut, Sulawesi Utara
- Yayasan Pontianak Plus, Kalimantan Barat
- Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya Klasaman, Papua Barat
- Yayasan Gata Dewata, Bali
- Yayasan Victory Plus, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
- Persaudaraan Korban Napza Bogor, Jawa Barat
- Yayasan Paramitra, Jawa Timur
- L-PKNM, Sulawesi Selatan
- Yayasan KARIB, Sumatera Utara
- Lentera Anak Pelangi, Jakarta
- Yayasan Flobamora Jaya Peduli, Nusa Tenggara Timur
- Yayasan Mutiara Maharani, Jakarta
- Jaringan Indonesia Positif
- Jaringan Transgender Indonesia
- Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia
- Gaya Warna Lentera-INA
- Organisasi Perubahan Sosial Indonesia
- Persaudaraan Korban Napza Indonesia
These training topics include:
- Liver Structure and Function
- Causes of liver damage
- Liver function test
- Hepatitis virus transmission and prevention
- Vaccines and Prevention of Hepatitis B from Mother to Child
- Hepatitis B test
- Hepatitis B Treatment
- Hepatitis B Treatment for Special Populations
- Hepatitis C test
- Hepatitis C Treatment
The training which was facilitated by Caroline Thomas and Claudius Mone Iye from the Peduli Hati Bangsa Foundation and the Ministry of Health was represented by Mr. Yusmariami, SKM and dr. Fatcha Nuraliyah from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia who presented material on the Hepatitis B and C Program in Indonesia.
We hope that this training can increase the knowledge and understanding of the community regarding hepatitis issues, increase the ability of participants as trainers for their respective regions, and ultimately increase access to hepatitis-related diagnosis and treatment services in Indonesia.
Documentation of the related event: