Currently, scientific advances have paved the way for treatment for HIV. There are also laws governing the protection of people living with HIV / AIDS. World AIDS Day is so important because it reminds the public and governments that the virus has not disappeared. In addition, this is needed to unite people in the fight against HIV / AIDS.
Date:Sunday, 29 November 2020
Time: 10:00-12:00 WIB (11:00-13:00 WITA atau 12:00-14:00 WIT)
Zoom ID: 733 615 5064
Passcode: indonesia
Immediately register for the webinar activity with a score of 4
SKP IDI through the following link
Opening remarks:
1. Dr. dr. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK (Founder & Chairman; Health Collaborative Center)
1. Dr. Budiarto (HIV – STI – Hepatitis Team Leader; WHO)
2. Dr. Asti Widihastuti, MHHC (HIV Prevention Officer; UNFPA Indonesia)
3. Drg. Maruli Togatorop (Penulis buku “Punya Arti Sebelum Mati”)
1. Caroline Thomas (Founder; Yayasan Peduli Hati Bangsa)